Belga Image

Functioning as a photo storage website, Belga Image not only maximizes capacity but also enables smart search tools to suggest more precise results.

Industry: Media

Technical platforms:

Java enterprise, ReactJS, Solr Search

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Press Release

Working as an integrated newsroom, Press Release allows reporters and contributors to create and manage digital content, as well as support raw data translation to meet the requirements for globalization.

Industry: Media

Technical platforms:

Java enterprise, newsml/restapi

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Reserv supports building management including vacancy, rent, maintenance, public spots booking and allows online payment as well as communication between users.

Industry: E-commerce , Fintech , Travel & Hotel

Technical platforms:

Java enterprise, Amazon Simple Storage Service, Native app, Bitrise app

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Belga Agenda

Customized for Belga members only, Belga Agenda plays the role as a reminder, marking all the important events as well as updating related information.

Industry: E-commerce , Media , Fintech , Travel & Hotel

Technical platforms:

Java enterprise, Task assignment app, OneSignal

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